Origin of Life on the Earth

Concept Explanation

Origin of Life on the Earth

Origin of Life on Earth: When a species cannot evolve fast enough to compete in a changing environment, it may become extinct. This might happen, if the environment changes very quickly. e.g. extinction of tigers, etc.

JBS Haldane a British biologist, biochemist and geneticist, proposed in 1929 that life must have originated from the simple inorganic molecules which might have originated on the Earth through a long series of physiochemical changes, to more complex organic molecules that were brought about first by chemical evolution. This gradual change or development of complex forms from simpler forms is known as organic evolution.

Stanley L Miller and Harold C Urey in 1953 gave an experimental supportto Haldane’s theory of origin of life. They created an atmosphere similar to that which existed on early Earth (containing hydrogen, ammonia, methane, hydrogen, sulphide and water vapour, but no oxygen) over water in an airtight apparatus. This was maintained at a temperature just below 100°C and sparks were passed through the mixture of gases to stimulate lightening. At the end of a week, 1 5% of the carbon from CH4 had been converted to simple carbon compounds, including amino acids (which make up protein molecule).

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) When a species cannot evolve fast enough to compete in a changing environment, it may become extinct.

(b) JBS Haldane a British biologist, biochemist and geneticist, proposed in 1939 that life must have originated from the simple inorganic molecules.

(c) Stanley L Miller and Harold C Urey in 1953 gave an experimental support to Haldane’s theory of origin of life. 

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

_________in 1953 gave an experimental support to Haldane’s theory of origin of life. 

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Which of the following are correct ?

(a) JBS Haldane proposed that life must have originated from the simple inorganic molecules which might have originated on the Earth.

(b) The gradual change or development of complex forms from simpler forms is known as organic evolution.

(c) An atmosphere similar to that which existed on early Earth over water was created in an airtight apparatus to study the origin of life .

Right Option : D
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